Author Archives: admin-767

Development of the NGO “TAKE and GLORY” for the Beryslav community: energy saving as a way to independence

After the start of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war, energy security became one of the key challenges for Ukraine. The destruction of the energy infrastructure has forced communities to look for alternatives for heating and electricity. In response to these challenges, NGOs “TAKE and GLORY” implemented complex measures for energy saving in Beryslav Territorial Community of Kherson Region, becoming an example of an innovative approach to solving energy problems. Implemented measures […]

TENDER for the procurement of the services of an expert in the development of methodical recommendations with justification of the economic feasibility of the transition of the community to heating with fuel briquettes

PUBLIC ORGANIZATION "BERA i SLAV" Ukraine, 74300, Kherson region, m. Berislav, Street 1 Travnia, 224, the code 44063101 language(095) 375-35-02, (068) 328-13-64, INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE TENDER: for the purchase of the services of an expert for the development of methodological recommendations with justification of the economic feasibility of the transition of the community to heating with fuel briquettes DATE AND TIME OF THE END OF ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSALS: 15 August […]

Tender for procurement of energy audit services

PUBLIC ORGANIZATION "BERA i SLAV" Ukraine, 74300, Kherson region, m. Berislav, St. 1 May, 224, the code 44063101 language(095) 375-35-02, (068) 328-13-64, ТЕХНІЧНЕ ЗАВДАННЯ для закупівлі послуги з проведення енергоаудиту та складання енергетичного сертифікату ГО «БЕРИ і СЛАВ» – громадська організація, whose activities are aimed at the development of the humanitarian and social sphere at the local level through the implementation of socially significant projects; сприяння […]

Tender for purchase of straw

PUBLIC ORGANIZATION "BERA i SLAV" Ukraine, 74300, Kherson region, m. Berislav, St. 1 May, 224, the code 44063101 language(095) 375-35-02, (068) 328-13-64, СПЕЦИФІКАЦІЯ Дана специфікація створена Громадською організацією «БЕРИ і СЛАВ», which ensures the implementation of the project "Increasing the energy independence of the Berislav city community by creating the production of fuel briquettes" within the framework of local financial assistance of the "U-LEAD with Europe" Program, what […]

✅ Public organization “TAKE and GLORY” jointly with the Berislav city military administration with the support of a local subsidy “U-LEAD with Europe” held a dialogue meeting for local business representatives of the Beryslav district on the topic "Prospects for the production of fuel briquettes in the Kherson region". ✅ This meeting took place within the framework of the project “Increasing the energy independence of the community by creating the production of fuel briquettes “, спрямованого на […]

We thank VNG International Ukraine for the participation of the NGO “TAKE and GLORY “in the project “Support for the restoration of local self-government and the reconstruction and reconstruction of communities in Ukraine “

as well as for the opportunity to participate in a two-day training on increasing the potential of representatives of the Beryslav community. Experts have given us a lot of time to practically improve the skills of attracting investments. The experience of social activities was very valuable, about which Ruslan Galgash gave us a fascinating presentation , The first vice-rector of the Eastern Ukrainian National University named after. V. Dalia. PS: proved again, that each case needs its own “bulldozer”, […]

Public organization "BERY and SLAV" within the framework of the implementation of the project "Increasing the energy independence of the Beryslav city community by creating the production of fuel briquettes" with the support “U-LEAD with Europe” started carrying out information and educational work with representatives of local self-government, local businesses and the population of the Beryslav urban territorial community and the Beryslav district.

Першим проведеним заходом став семінар щодо переваг опалення паливними брикетами власних домогосподарств до якого долучились керівництво, старости та мешканці старостинських округів Бериславської громади. Семінар провів експерт з питань енергоефективності, акредитований консультант європейської енергетичної відзнаки Андрій Барулін. Учасники семінару докладно дізналися щодо принципів роботи твердопаливних котлів та їх характеристик, які існують види твердого палива та які […]

We present our activities 24-25 May as part of the Ecological Initiative of the "Renaissance" Foundation (EVEN MORE) on the fifth, annual conference.

Think about tomorrow, act now. Results of the Fifth Annual EPAIU Conference 10 JUNE, 2023 This material is also available in English. 24-25 May Ecological Initiative of the "Renaissance" Foundation (EVEN MORE) spent her fifth, annual conference. The two-day discussion was devoted to the reform of waste management. The lion's share of participants' reports and discussions concerned waste, які продукує повномасштабна війна, і реформуванню системи […]

With the support of U-LEAD, a community from the Kherson region is restoring its energy independence

За підтримки U-LEAD громада з Херсонщини відновлює енергетичну незалежність енергетична безпекавійнавідбудова Дата: 31.05.2023 Author: Оксана Стельмах Фото: “Freepick” An enterprise for the production of fuel briquettes from straw will be created in the Beryslav community. They will heat the kindergarten. They will also implement an energy management system and spread the experience of using biofuel to other communal institutions and households in the region. Військова агресія росії проти України, дев’ятимісячна окупація […]

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With the support of U-LEAD, a community from the Kherson region is restoring its energy independence 31.05.2023 16:45 In the Beryslav community of the Kherson region with the support of the Program “U-LEAD with Europe” will create an enterprise for the production of fuel briquettes from straw, with which the kindergarten will be heated. Як передає Укрінформ із посиланням на сайт U-LEAD, they will also implement an energy management system there and spread the experience of using biofuel to other utilities […]