• Organization of meaningful leisure time for residents of the Beryslav territorial community


    As part of the project "Organization of meaningful leisure time for the residents of the Berislav territorial community by creating a mobile summer cinema" the first event for the residents of the Berislav community took place. The official part of the event was opened by the Deputy Mayor for Social Affairs of the Berislav City Council - Borysenko T. A., in. head of the Department of Education, cultures, young people, of tourism and sports of the Berislav city council - Yakovleva Ya.V, in.

  • A mobile summer cinema was created in the de-occupied Kherson region: how does this solution work

    English version here

    Photo: Kherson regional branch of the Association of Cities of Ukraine

    A mobile summer cinema was created in the Beryslav territorial community of the Kherson region.

    About this in Facebook reports the Kherson regional branch of the Association of Cities of Ukraine, write Rubric.

    What is the problem?

    In the de-occupied settlements of the community today extremely heavy security

  • На деокупованій Херсонщині створили мобільний літній кінотеатр

    A mobile summer cinema was created in the de-occupied Kherson region


    A mobile summer cinema was created in the Beryslav territorial community of the Kherson region.

    About this in Facebookreports the Kherson regional branch of the Association of Cities of Ukraine, reports Ukrinform.

    As noted, residents of de-occupied settlements of the community, especially

  • Public organization “TAKE and GLORY” announces an open competitive selection for the position of technical coordinator of the project “Organization of meaningful leisure time for residents of the Beryslav territorial community by creating a mobile summer cinema”.

    Terms of the competition:

    The term of the project: with 18 March to 31 July 2024 year.

    The work will be carried out on the basis of an agreement between a public organization “TAKE and GLORY” and elected person.

    Selection criteria:

    -Experience working with technical support.

    -Skills in managing technical resources and coordinating work with equipment for film screenings.

    -Effective planning and execution of tasks within strictly defined deadlines.

  • Public organization “TAKE and GLORY” announces open competitive selection for the position of project manager “Organization of meaningful leisure time for residents of the Beryslav territorial community by creating a mobile summer cinema”.

    Terms of the competition:

    The term of the project: with 18 March to 31 July 2024 year.

    The work will be carried out on the basis of an agreement between a public organization “TAKE and GLORY” and elected person.

    Selection criteria:

    -Experience working in projects.

    -Ability to communicate and interact with various stakeholders.

    -Organizational skills and the ability to work in a team.

    -Creativity and innovative approach to cultural development

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    "We got started - we have to work": how "firewood" is made from straw in a community in the Kherson region

    The issue of energy supply in Ukraine on the eve of the new heating season is more acute than ever. It is even more painful for frontline communities. However, Ukrainians do not give up. So, an unexpected and energy-efficient solution was found in the Beryslavsk community, which suits her - with her individual needs
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    Три громади презентували успішні практики використання відновлювальних джерел енергії - U-LEAD

    Three communities presented successful practices of using renewable energy sources – U-LEAD

    Communities from the Kherson region, Khmelnytskyi and Transcarpathia familiarized representatives of other communities with practical cases of energy independence and the use of renewable energy sources.

    As reported by Ukrinform

  • Ukraine has always been noted for its indomitable spirituality and independence. This year, a day, when our country celebrated Independence Day, we witnessed the birth of a new symbol of independence and stability of the Berislav territorial community. Project “Increasing the energy independence of the Beryslav city community by creating the production of fuel briquettes” is marked by an incredible event — the release of the first trial batch of straw briquettes.
    ✅ Straw is an undeniable treasure of Ukrainian fields. It grows with our hopes and dreams, reminding that, that devotion to our land has unprecedented
  • Today is a very important day.
    Today is a big holiday for our country – Independence Day of Ukraine! This day was held by the NGO “TAKE and GLORY ” as productive as possible for our community – a line for the production of fuel briquettes from straw was launched. It was not easy to do this in the difficult conditions of the war in the front-line community. There is still a lot of work to do, but the start is set. Thanks to the ULEAD program with Europe / ULEAD with Europe for supporting the development of energy independence of the de-occupied Berislav community of the Kherson region.
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    Ukraine, 74300, Kherson region, m. Berislav, Street 1 Travnia, 224, the code 44063101

    language(095) 375-35-02, (068) 328-13-64, bery_i_slav@ukr.net

    https://beryislav.org.ua https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067628320491



    for purchase services an expert in the development of methodical recommendations with justification of the economic feasibility of the transition of the community to heating with fuel briquettes



    15 August 2023 p. – 23:59 year. Eastern European time

    This tender was announced by the Public Organization "TAKE and GLORY", which ensures the implementation of the project "Increase

  • Feature image not available


    Ukraine, 74300, Kherson region, m. Berislav, St. 1 May, 224, the code 44063101

    language(095) 375-35-02, (068) 328-13-64, bery_i_slav@ukr.net



    for purchase energy audit and energy certificate preparation services

    GO "BERY and GLORY" - public organization, whose activities are aimed at the development of the humanitarian and social sphere at the local level through the implementation of socially significant projects; promoting cohesion and teamwork to achieve socially meaningful results; assistance in the free development and education of young people and support of young people