Command GO “TAKE and GLORY” in partnership with the Beryslav community, actively works to improve economic development and increase investment attractiveness. Одним із важливих кроків у цьому напрямку стало створення інвестиційного паспорту громади, which will become an important tool for attracting investments and developing local infrastructure. Проєкт реалізовано завдяки співпраці Управління освіти, cultures, young people, of tourism and sports of the Berislav city council, PICK IT UP […]
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💡 У Громадському просторі Бериславської громади психологиня ГО «БЕРИ і СЛАВ» Катерина Стецюк провела психологічну зустріч із родинами військових, увагу приділили темі тривожності – стану, which in today's world, it's a pity, has become familiar to many. 🔹 The psychologist explained, that anxiety is the body's natural response to threat or uncertainty. But in the present, when life is full […]
🔔Ми працюємо в с.Велика Олександрівка Бериславського району Херсонської області та надаємо безкоштовно: ✨ Legal assistance. ✨ Psychological support. Запрошуємо звертатися за телефонами «Громадського центру підтримки ВПО» 📞 067 391 10 02 📞 050 708 81 25 📢 Our team is always ready to help, so that everyone can get the information and support they need. Get in touch- we are near!!!
🎬✨. The last stage was participation in the New Year and Christmas holiday for our little residents, creating a magical atmosphere of celebration and joy. We are sincerely grateful for the close cooperation of the people, without whom this project would not have become a reality: Oleksandr Alchiev, head of the Berislav city military administration, to the head of the Department of Education, cultures, young people, of tourism and sports of the Berislav city council Yan Yakovlev , […]
This event became a symbol of our unity and strength of spirit. Talented youth and everyone else took part in the flash mob, who wanted to express their feelings through creativity. 🎨All participants had the opportunity to demonstrate their talent and creativity. 💙Thank you everyone, who joined this event! Together we can do a lot to develop our community and support cultural initiatives.💛 […]
friends, We are happy to announce the results of our competition! Thank you to all participants for your activity, creativity and love for the native city. You have inspired us with your work, once again proving, that the story of Berislav is alive in the heart of each of you! 💙💛 📜Nomination "Forgotten History": 🏆Grand Prix - Serhii Volodymyrovych Nosach. 🥇First place - Kyrylo Pankovyk. 🥈II place - Victoria Rybchynska. 💻Nomination […]
🫂Despite the challenges, which we face due to constant shelling, our city remains united and full of hope for the future. 🎉The event was full of games and contests, which allowed everyone present to feel joy and unity. Active participants received symbolic prizes in the form of flags and notebooks. 🤝 Today, like never before, it is important to be together, support each other and prepare for […]
🔍 Contest nominations: 1. 🎥 Video works: create a video, which highlights interesting historical facts or events from the life of our city. The maximum duration is 5 minutes. 2. ✍️ Essay "My hometown - Beryslav": share your impressions and thoughts about our city in a literary style. 3. 🪶 "Forgotten History": reveal little-known or forgotten pages of the history of Berislav. 4. […]
Раді бачити, that so many talented children joined the celebration, and each of them showed their creative abilities. 🏆Here are our winners: 🔵 Yefimov Nikita, 13 years, Lyceum No. 3 🟡Klymchuk Myroslava, 4-And class, Lyceum No. 3 🔵 Hrytsan Vladyslav, 5-B class, Lyceum No. 3 🟡Reminny Oleksandr, 5-B class, Lyceum No. 3 🔵 Tatyana Sobchuk, 14 years 🟡Trofimchuk Veronika, 2-And class, lyceum […]
🗓️ Conditions of participation: ✅Draw an interesting story about Independence/Create a creative work of a patriotic direction/Make a video work (at the choice of the participant) ✅ To 21 send photos of your works in August, name, PID and age of the participant in messenger. ✅ Online voting will begin on August 23, where everyone can support their favorite work by liking it. ✅Work wins, which will get the most likes. 🏆 For three winners […]