In Gymnasium No 5 launched a new initiative. An environmental competition for students was organized here “We – eco-conscious children of the future” and this spring they plan to install a mini sorting station. But in order to encourage students to the sorting process, a competition was organized 4 different categories, which will last a month. AND 15 In February, the organizers of the environmental initiative told high school students about their plans and announced the competition.

Students from almost every class of the educational institution attended the meeting, except for the initial ones. Biology and natural science teacher of gymnasium No. 5 Alitsia Chaykivska says, chose the most active. And it was clear from the questions, which poured in after the announcement of the competition.

Tik Tok video about sorting? Easily!

Children can choose one of 4 directions of the competition and fight for victory in it, and can take part in all of them. And then get prizes.

What you need to do for the competition: explained on small flyers, which Alitsia Chaykivska distributed to representatives of each class.

Presentation of the project in the gymnasiumPresentation of the project in the gymnasiumAuthor: Drohobych. City

THERE ARE 4 subspecies of the competition “We – eco-conscious children of the future”:

  • drawing contest "Eco-consciousness is my level of freedom";
  • products from recycled materials – it is very important not to buy it, and take from that, that is at hand;
  • contest for the best Tik Tok video about eco-sorting;
  • posters on the topic "Correct Sorting".

Anastasia and Oleksandra, schoolgirls 9 And the class was told about the importance of sortingAnastasia and Oleksandra, schoolgirls 9 And the class was told about the importance of sortingAuthor: Drohobych. City


There is something to fight for:

  • first place – Mi Band fitness bracelet 6,
  • the second is a set of bloggers 5 V 1 (light, phone holder, bluetooth remote control, tripod),
  • the third is a portable speaker,
  • the fourth is a flash drive.

When the children heard the task and the words: competition, Tik Tok and prizes, already perked up. Questions for the curator, biology teachers were pouring, our selection.

  • And what is the format of the picture?
  • And how to submit a video?
  • And when the results of the competitions?
  • And who will be in the jury?
  • And you can participate in all four directions?
  • And when the tanks will be installed?

The students received the taskThe students received the taskAuthor: Drohobych. City

Alicia Chaykivska also answered these questions, and the initiators of the meeting and the environmental project — the establishment of a garbage sorting station on the school grounds. It: representatives of the public organization "Bery and Slav", spouses of Natalia and Serhiy Starodubtsiv and activist Svyatoslav Stepyak, the founder of the public sorting station “Dro Eco. Logical”, NGO "Proryv-Misto".

Does the environmental initiative have a future??

The public organization "Bery and Slav" is from the city of Beryslav and they came from the Kherson region. There they worked with youth and environmental issues. A youth council was created in Beryslav, conducted competitions. They even planned to create a modern youth center, but a full-scale invasion began. Regarding eco-initiatives, that was it: installation of garbage cans for sorting and various art objects. They had a project in Drohobych for youth with IDP status, which has already ended. Now they are implementing another — ecological, for which he won a grant from the Ecological Initiative of the "Renaissance" foundation.

Natalia Starodubets told about the projectNatalia Starodubets spoke about the projectAuthor: Drohobych. City

Each person starts with himself. When did you start sorting?, then you understand its essence - to use less plastic, to sort less and take out less garbage, which is not recycled. To buy that, which may be without packaging, take eco bags. Example, in our house, no one buys those big packages from markets, because they take too long to decompose and pollute the environment. We have acquaintances, who went abroad, point out, that everyone sorts garbage there. And they join in it. So when they say, that such an initiative is a drop in the ocean, then I will note, that each of us is a droplet, and together we are the sea, therefore, you must always start with yourself. And such measures for that, to get started sorting at the household level. I hope, in the future, we will be able to scale these projects to other institutions in Drohobych, — розповіла Natalia Starodubets у коментарі Drohobych.City.

She explained, that gymnasium no 5 chose therefore, that their initiative was supported here, and for the period when I applied for this project, IDPs lived here, who could adopt this experience. Also, the gymnasium has a large territory and an active social life.

Svyatoslav Stepyak about his own experience in sorting garbageSvyatoslav Stepyak about his own experience in sorting garbageAuthor: Drohobych. City

Svyatoslav Stepyak, екоактивіст, the founder of the ecological station is a graduate of this gymnasium. And noted, that he is pleased that it turned out that way, that there was an opportunity to help his alma mater with a good initiative. Funds, obtained from sorted raw materials, the gymnasium will be able to use to improve the landscaping of the territory.

- Gymnasium No 5 we chose, because there is an inclusive resource center here, that is, children and their parents come not only from Drohobych, regional competitions are held - that is, many people will visit this facility and see an example of sorting with their own eyes. I see the development of the project at the level of the city and the community, оскільки нам потрібно поширювати культуру сортування й школа дуже добре підходить для такої мети. І я сподіваюсь, що з цієї гімназії візьмуть приклад й інші навчальні заклади громади, — пояснив він у коментарі Drohobych. City.

Також він, що потрібно покращувати поведінку з відходами. Адже поширена практика — сховати відходи, щоб ми їх не бачили під ногами, не змінює ситуацію загалом і не покращує її. Саме сортування — перший крок з розв’язання даної проблеми. Тобто коли людина почне сортувати, вона перестане купувати те, which will then become garbage. Therefore, he sees in this project a huge prospect for improving the state of consciousness, state of the environment not only in Drohobych, and in the community, in Lviv Oblast and Ukraine in general.

Alicia Chaykivska about the conditions of the competition and about the mini-sorting station Alicia Chaykivska about the conditions of the competition and about the mini-sorting stationAuthor: Drohobych. City

And here it is worth saying, that even before the presentation of the project, the biology and natural science teacher of the gymnasium Alitsia Chaykivska did a lot of work with the students. That is why there are so many students interested in the project. Mrs. Alicia told, what, as a teacher, always tried to weave ecological interests into the educational process. Therefore, many children know this direction. She also noted that the school program includes hours of ecology, what is her task, as teachers, make them more interesting.

Також маємо ще один напрямок: helping animals. Our gymnasium participated in the All-Ukrainian charity event "Happy Hav for Sulfur" for two years in a row, to which students from 1 to 9 classes. The children were interested, took photos with pets, helped homeless animals. And when it came to eco-sorting, then the students were also interested, ask questions, where to go plastic, brought batteries to school for recycling. This project will give an opportunity to be independent, and learn something new, and be frugal with everything, – noted Ms. Alicia.

She also noted, that the territory, where there will be a mini-sorting station is not used, therefore the institution is even interested in it, to make it more effective.