Public organization “TAKE and GLORY” announces open competitive selection for the position of project manager “Organization of meaningful leisure time for residents of the Beryslav territorial community by creating a mobile summer cinema”.

Terms of the competition:

The term of the project: with 18 March to 31 July 2024 year.

The work will be carried out on the basis of an agreement between a public organization “TAKE and GLORY” and elected person.

Selection criteria:

-Experience working in projects.

-Ability to communicate and interact with various stakeholders.

-Organizational skills and the ability to work in a team.

-Creativity and innovative approach to the development of cultural life.

-Effective management of project resources.

-Analytical and strategic abilities.

-Ability to work under stressful conditions and complete tasks on time.

-Motivation and desire to develop the cultural life of the community.

Application submission procedure:

Candidates should submit their resumes to the email address bery_i_slav@ukr.net to 15 March 2024 year.


Based on the results of the competition, candidates will be notified of further stages of selection.

Additional information can be obtained upon request to the e-mail address bery_i_slav@ukr.net.


Best regards, Public organization “TAKE and GLORY”

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