The public organization "BERY and GLORY" was formed at the beginning 2021 year to meet the needs of the Berislav community of the Kherson region. During work, through trial and error, were able to implement projects of local importance.
Because of the occupation, our team was forced to deploy from the Kherson region, but sought to resume activity.
In order to further submit applications for grant competitions, we wanted to get an expert opinion and understand why some of our past applications were not supported, what else needs to be paid attention to and what are the possibilities, except grant competitions, we need to consider for the financial sustainability of the NGO.
To solve these problems, нами було подано проект на Грантовий конкурс з організаційного розвитку, which is financedby the United States Agency for International Development USAID – US Agency for International Development within the limits of thektu "Initiative sectorgeneral support of the civil society of Ukraine", with support Isar Ednannia, in which we were selected as part of the winning cohort.
Команда ГО «БЕРИ і СЛАВ» взяла участь у серії онлайн тренінгів та фасилітовany session for the development of documents. For podsustrategic work was formed, operating, and fundraising plans for the next three years. Welcome us!
We thank the donor for supporting our organization in these difficult times.
Thank you Isar Ednannia for organization and coordinationiyu measures in within the limits of the grant.
The best impressions and sincere words of gratitude for the expert support of the trainer Katerina Poznanskaya and Соціальний консалтинг “Paragraph”.