Took part in a series of trainings on gender-sensitive issues

Gender equality is an inseparable aspect of human rights and the values ​​of a democratic state. Ukraine also identified gender equality as an important priority of state policy to ensure the country's development.

In order to stimulate the experience of social activity among young people, understanding, that the value of a person does not depend on gender, abilities and achievements, that everyone can feel and think, needs support and friendship, helps to feel useful, including for society, our

team , які провела Олександра Фадєєва Oleksandra Fadieieva -лідерка жіночого клубу «Вікно можливостей», which presented the main concepts of a gender-sensitive approach and provided information on the peculiarities of Ukraine and EU countries in achieving gender equality.
Учасники та учасниці мали можливість обговорити різницю між статтю та гендером, challenges in the development of measures taking into account a gender-sensitive approach. Наша команда працювала над розробкою заходів з досягнення гендерної рівності, involvement of women in the decision-making process in the community and youth participation in social processes and developed its gender strategy.
The event was organized with the help of the Youth Support Bank – initiatives, implemented by the UN Population Fund in Ukraine – UNFPA Ukraine UNFPA Ukraine within the framework of the UN Program for Reconstruction and Peacebuilding with the financial support of the European Union.

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